Our specialist Family team includes trained mediators, collaborative lawyers and leading Queens Counsel. The team are experienced in dealing with complex, difficult and sensitive issues which can arise within family matters. They combine their knowledge and experience with a professional, reliable and practical approach.
Our clients include parents, children and their guardians, individuals who are vulnerable or have mental health issues, the official solicitor and Local Authorities. The team provides skilled advice and representation in all courts up to and including the Appeals Courts.
We pride ourselves on the knowledge of our clerking team, who are able to assist with any queries you may have. Our clerks are able to assist in recommending suitable Counsel tailored to your client’s needs and, wherever possible, they aim to ensure consistency of representation.
Areas of expertise:
Public Law Children
Care proceedings, placement and adoption.
Private Law Children
Residence and contact applications, international and inter-jurisdictional disputes, child abduction, injunctions and domestic violence, application for financial provision under Schedule 1 Children Act 1989.
Divorce and Financial Provision
All forms of financial provision on separation and divorce, pre and post nuptial agreements, civil partnerships and cohabitation agreements.
Cohabitation and Family Property
Trusts of land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996, family provision under inheritance, administration of estates and disputes in relation to wills.
Court of Protection
Capacity issues