Supporting Pride 2023

Supporting Pride 2023

You might notice we are a little colourful this month…

June is Pride month & we are proud to support Pride 2023! Whilst this month our our socials are taken over by The Progress Flag, we believe that our differences should be celebrated and supported all year round.

We believe that everyone should have the freedom to live equally and to feel safe, valued and respected. This month especially, we celebrate the work of LGBTQIA+ people and hope to raise awareness of issues which still affect the LGBTQIA+ community.

Chambers and our members work hard to break down barriers to accessing the profession and to ensure that the Bar and future members of the Bar are treated fairly and equally. We will continue to work towards making the legal profession fair, equal and accessible for everyone, supporting future generations of the Bar, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, background, ethnicity or otherwise.

We are looking forward to taking part in the Nottingham Pride Parade on the 29th July, along with Nottinghamshire Law Society, an amazing event which celebrates acceptance, diversity and inclusion and shows support to the LGBTQIA+ community.

KCH Garden Square is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion. Included within our work so far:

  • We have appointed two Equality and Diversity Officers, both of whom sit on our Board of Directors to represent equality, diversity and inclusion issues
  • We offer both in-person and virtual mini pupillage opportunities to make the experience available to as many individuals as possible
  • A number of our Counsel within the Midland Circuit Social Mobility group, working to improve access to a career at the Bar
  • We ensure that all Counsel and staff work in an inclusive environment in which they feel able to be themselves

We continue as a Chambers to:

  • Work towards ensuring the future Bar is accessible and representative of the society it serves
  • Challenge any stigma wherever it arises within our professional capacities


There are lots of resources online if you need support, assistance or would like to learn more. Here are just a few organisations:

LGBT Foundation is a nationwide charity who support LGBTQIA+ people to increase their skills, knowledge and self-confidence to improve and maintain their health and wellbeing.

Stonewall are a charity that help to support and empower LGBTQIA+ communities nationwide, creating campaigns which drive positive change in public attitudes and public policy.

The Proud Trust is a national organisation that helps to support LGBTQIA+ youth, empowering the younger generation to make a positive change for themselves and their communities.

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