We have worked hard to make sure that our wellbeing agenda involves action, not just good intentions and as such we are delighted to have been awarded a Certificate of Recognition by The Bar Council for our contribution to Wellbeing at the Bar.
The Bar Council recognised that Chambers has taken proactive steps to start a conversation around wellbeing and mental health, and to make these issues more visible in the organisation. We have already:
• Appointed a wellbeing officer
• Put in place a wellbeing policy
• Created a wellbeing garden in Chambers
• Conducted confidential wellbeing meetings with those needing support
• Created a network of support in Chambers
• Actively promoted the Bar Council wellbeing resources
• Implemented a clerking buddy scheme.
The Bar Council commented “By appointing a dedicated wellbeing officer, KCH Garden Square have created an invaluable source of individual support for its members, whilst not losing sight of the importance of fun and social interaction in creating a positive workplace.”