A successful Virtual Mini Pupillage Day

A successful Virtual Mini Pupillage Day

On Saturday we saw a number of prospective pupillage applicants during our latest Virtual Mini-Pupillage day.

Throughout the day there were talks on Life at the Bar in Civil, Crime and Family, a CV Clinic, an Advocacy Exercise with feedback, open Q&A sessions and a discussion on Clerking & Wellbeing in pupillage and junior years of practice.

Thank you to our members who gave up their Saturday to help support the next generation of the Bar and a special thanks to Oliver Nunn for organising the day and his excellent hosting skills.

We hope our Mini-Pupils found the day interesting, helpful and we wish them the best of luck in their hunt for pupillage.

We aim to run another VMP in Spring 2022 and will be returning to ‘face to face’ Mini-Pupillages in the New Year.

KCH Garden Square will be recruiting 4 pupils in the forthcoming Pupillage Gateway round across Civil, Crime and Family with a minimum pupillage award of £26,500.

We recruit in accordance with the Pupillage Gateway timetable and our application form will be made available from the 25 November 2021 for prospective pupils to consider in advance of the application window opening on 5 January 2022. Any applications received before the window opens will not be considered. Find out more on our pupillage page.

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